Journalism Assignments

Cannabis in Denver

It’s no lie when someone says that Denver, Colorado is a huge supporter of the Cannabis industry. Denver is striving with all the businesses in and around the city that relate to cannabis in one way or another. When people are asked why they support and/or use marijuana you’ll probably get a wide range of answers. Anything from ‘it makes me feel good’ to ‘I rely on it for medical purposes.’  Another answer that you might hear often is the social aspect.

I was reading an article that was about how hash-bathCindy Sovine, CEO of Utopia, is in the process of opening a marijuana spa in Denver. Her main reasons for doing this is “to create social opportunities to bring people together” and to provide “non-pressuring environment” for consumers to enjoy their product in peace. We live in a community where it is legal to poses cannabis but nowhere to legally consume the product.

This becomes a problem because it then forces users to get creative to find locations that they can consume cannabis without getting ‘caught.’ There are tons of people in the United States, but more specifically in Denver, Colorado, that are trying to find solutions for this problem. Cindy’s solution is the spa, and to no surprise, it’s been a success so far. She still has many hurdles to jump over to achieve this goal, but I see it going all the way. People like Cindy are dedicating their careers to help cannabis users feel more comfortable and have more freedom.